Table Layout

Becquerel UI

Our table-layout component, along with its row and cell sub-components renders tables and grids on steriods. It also support the HTML5 is attribute (via its own tag prop), allowing to decide on the HTML tags used for better semantics. The component is extensively used in our data-table component. It does not have styling of its own, so you can apply arbitrary CSS classes from Tailwind. Last, but not least - the component is not suitable for creating layouts and you should probably have a look at our flex solution

Brandcompete's UI library for Vue, based on TailwindCSS. We have a growing collection of ready to use UI, forms and layout components, directives and plenty of helpers

The UI library of brandcompete for Vue, based on Tailwind. We have a growing collection of ready to use ui, forms and layout components, directives and plenty of helpers. This website has been built with the library itself and you can use it as a complete reference, starting here. Bookmark our release notes page to stay informed of what's new